Friday, May 27, 2011

Spring Pictures

We had Caleb's 2 year pictures taken at Sears this year. Hope you like them. Caleb was a little easier this year. He was more willing to smile and cooperate with us. I am very pleased with how they turned out, hope you like them too.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Caleb is 2 years old

Happy Birthday to Me!

Birthday Boy

The Cake

Where has the time gone. I can't believe my dear son is already 2 years old. I feel like it was just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. Time just goes by way to fast. Before I know it he will be graduating from college.

We moved to Shelby in Oct 2010 and have really enjoyed it. I have to admit I really miss our friends in Virginia. I am beginning to make more friends in Shelby.

Caleb's 2nd birthday was all about Trains! Shelby City park has a wonderful play ground for the kids. The best part is the train that goes around the playground. We decided to rent out the Train Depot for his party. It was a great decision. The train ran the whole length of the party. You could ride as much or as little as you wanted. And of course that was Caleb's favorite part of the party.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Little Talker

Caleb has learned so much over the past couple months that I thought it would be nice to make a list of his accomplishments both big and small.

  • Ball
  • Bye-Bye
  • Mama
  • Dada
  • Light
  • Choo Choo
  • Dog (also goes Woof Woof)
  • Cat (also goes Meow)
  • Makes the siren noise

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Caleb!

I'm such a silly boy!

I got ice cream after my doctor's appt!

I'm 1 year old!!!

My baby boy is ONE today!! What a difference a year makes. I am still in shock that it has actually been a year already. And I must add what an amazing year it has been. Caleb has changed so much. I look back at the pictures from when he was born and I'm still blown away. I can't believe how small he was and precious. Of course he is still precious but has grown into quite the little boy.

First of all, Caleb is WALKING all over the place. He took his first steps on. It all started with a few steps here and there. At the time, he could take the steps but crawling would get there faster. As of last week, he has decided he loves to walk. He is walking everywhere. He likes it so much, he walks around in circles in the living room. It is so funny to watch.

He is still not eating finger foods real well. I really hope we don't continue to have such a picky eater. He takes one bite of something new and spits it back out. However, he does love anything with cheese. He has cheese toast for breakfast and he loves mac n cheese.

He has definitely stolen his mommy's heart! I can't imagine my life without him. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful baby boy. I thank God everyday for giving me such a wonderful healthy baby boy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALEB. MOMMY AND DADDY LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

11 Months Old

Wow one more month and it will be a year. Can someone please slow the clock down. It is going way to fast for me. I can't believe I'm planning his first birthday party!

He of course is still growing like a little weed. He's such a little boy now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10 Months Old

His one little tooth

Caleb has a great personality and it keeps coming out more and more. He is so playful and so much fun to be around. I absolutely love playing with him. He love peek a book. He can even hold the blanket over his face and then pull it down so you can find him. His favorite is to crawl over by the chair and hide his face in the pillow. He waits for you to say where is Caleb? Then pops his head up and smiles and laughs. He also looks down and thinks you can't see him when he does that. It is hilarious.

He has learned how to make car sounds when he is playing with his trucks. It is so cute to watch him move his trucks and make the sounds. He has so much fun playing with his toys. And he definitely has a lot to keep him entertained.

Dressing him can be quite an obstacle sometimes but it is getting better. He knows how to help put his arms in his shirt sleeves. He also helps to take his shirt off when it is time to get in his PJs. He loves being naked and just in his diaper, which makes getting him into his pajamas quite the task. The funniest part is he loves playing with his socks. Once you take them off and hand them to him they keep him entertained for so long.

He also has recognized the word NO and what it means. And needless to say he doesn't like it. He has developed quite a little fit of crying. If he is really mad he will throw his head back and lay on the floor. I guess I have a little peek of what's in store for me soon as he gets older.

I can't believe I'm beginning to plan his first birthday. It seems like he was just born. This is going by way to fast for me. I'm not sure I'm ready for him to grow so fast. Afterall, he is my :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

9 Months Old

Has it really been 9 months already? I have and continue to love every minute of it. Caleb is such a joy and I feel so blessed to have him in my life. Now for the good and fun stuff. He is so much fun and playful. He absolutely loves music and loves to dance to the music. We have started playing music for him more often so that he can dance and sing. He is so cute to watch when he dances. If he is sitting, he shakes his little tush and rocks forward. If he is standing he jumps and throws his arms up. And of course he is smiling and laughing the whole time. He also gets to dance in mommy and daddy arms which he enjoys too. We make it a priority to sing and dance with him everyday.

We finally have a tooth. After months of teething the first tooth has finally decided to pop through.

Not only is he crawling everywhere, but he has started walking with assistance. He can walk holding our hands. The biggest accomplishment is walking with his push walker. He will definitely be walking by himself soon.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Snow

Daddy and Caleb

Mommy and Caleb

Crawling in the snow!

What is this stuff?

We finally had a Winter Wonderland. It was more like a winter blizard. Hampton Roads hasn't seen this much so in 20 years. Cheseapeake ended up getting 8 inches. And of course we couldn't keep Caleb inside. We had to let him go out and enjoy the snow some too. At first he was a little confused and didn't really know what to do. Then he took off and started crawling in it. He even made snow angels with daddy.

Friday, January 22, 2010

8 Months Old

It's amazing how fast time flies. Caleb has become such a little boy now. He is full of personality and energy. Every minute is filled with joy and excitement. And of course he is cute as a button. He looks at me and smiles and just melts my heart. I know I'm going to be in trouble as he gets older. He talks a lot now too. He says Dada but not directed at Chad yet. He really is just babbling. My favorite is to watch him talk while he is holding a book. I love it. I'm sure he will be saying Dada and Mama soon.

He has become quite the crawler. He finds it entertaining to go where he isn't supposed and he gets there fast. He is like a little rocket. Once you catch up with him, he laughs at the fact you caught him. He is all of the place and into everything but what little boy isn't. He is also standing up and walking around the furniture. I can't believe he is standing already. He started standing right after he began crawling. He is quite the grabber too. Anything that is within his reach will end up in his hands. He grabs everything and anything. In fact he loves to stand at the end tables and tries to grab anything within his reach. We have had to completely get rid of the coffee table due to his standing. It had become more of a safety hazard.

Breastfeeding is coming to an end. I feel very fortunate to have made it this far. Since going back to work my suppy has slowly decreased. We have had to supplement with formula a little. I'm slowly becoming ok with giving up nursing. I'm just very grateful that I was able to nurse him for this long.

Still no teeth yet. Which doesn't surprise me since I didn't have any teeth until I was a year old. Caleb is doing great at night. He goes to bed around 8pm and sleeps until 6am or 7am. I will not complain about that. I definitely feel like a new person now that I"m getting some good sleep at night.

Everyday I'm amazed more and more by the stuff Caleb has learned or is doing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Caleb's first Christmas

Christmas was great for us. And of course it was even more special since it was Caleb's first Christmas. Chad and I celebrated Christmas a few days early since he had to work. It was really exciting to be able to share in Caleb's first Christmas together. Caleb and I spent Christmas in Kershaw with my parents. Caleb had so much fun. I recorded him opening presents so that Chad was able to see it later. I think he enjoyed eating the paper or playing with the boxes more than opening the presents. He got many new toys to play with. Christmas has a new meaning now that I get to share it with Caleb. I can't wait to see his face in the many Christmas days to come.